Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Well, it is official. I have joined the GB removed club (GB stands for gall bladder). You guys that have had it before, thanks for not telling me how painful it is. I hurt worse post-op than I ever did with the GB problems. I agree with Josh that I do not like hospitals. (sorry to all you nurses and docs). They treated me well though...with the exception of one nurse.

I am at home recouping...thanks for all of the prayers and phone calls. If I talked to you on the phone on Monday...I apologize for slurring my words and speaking unintelligibly. Darvocet is a good but demerol (sp) is better.

Hope to see all at church on Sunday. Wednesday is out of the question.



Saturday, January 3, 2009

Truth...commodity or not

Wow! What a great year already. I am so excited about 2009. God is going to do some awesome things.
For my first blog ever…
Do you ever think about truth? As Christians sometimes we think about truth like it was a commodity to have or possess! I am reading a great book by Devlin Donaldson and Steve Wamberg titled, Pinocchio Nation, embracing truth in a culture of lies!
What is amazing about truth is that we talk about it…a lot, but we very rarely speak it or live it. Oh we think that we do but again we talk about it like a glass of soda pop that taste really good. We only like to drink it when it tastes good but what about it when it taste bad? Often, what is most important to us about truth is fighting for its importance and acknowledgment, we want to champion the cause. We do not like to deal with its real impact. Talking about the truth is easier than telling it. Telling the truth is definitely easier than hearing it. Telling the truth is only part of the equation. We must not only tell it we must hear it and even more importantly we must live it.
“If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people.” Virginia Woolf
The rule of truth is this…no one has the right to tell someone else “the truth” until they have spent the time, energy, effort, and focus to learn the truth about themselves.
You see truth is everything…it is the substance that everything is held together by. How do I know this? Jesus is Truth. We see in Colossians 1:17 that Christ holds all things together. Therefore, truth holds everything together.
We must apply truth to our lives. The American Church has bought into the notion that knowledge without obedience is complete enough to realize the benefits of growing spiritually.
This is cannot be so in our lives…we must allow Truth to transform us, to be metamorphed. Otherwise we are just like the Pharisees. Polished and pretty but really nothing more than empty vessels.
“The greatest homage we can pay to truth is to use it.” Ralph Waldo Emerson.